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COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism of BMZ – for Crisis Response, Recovery and Resilience

Tourism and the coronavirus pandemic

Tourism in development cooperation

A contribution to the 2030 Agenda

BMZ has been promoting the development of sustainable tourism in developing countries and emerging economies for over 20 years. Tourism is primarily used as a lever to promote local and regional economic power in keeping with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.


BMZ | Tourism


The Tourism for SGDs platform vividly sets out the 2030 Agenda goals to which tourism contributes.

Tourism as an instrument of development policy

German development cooperation is aware of the industry’s enormous development potential. BMZ’s involvement focuses on using tourism as a driving force to generate decent jobs and incomes, develop infrastructure and preserve nature, biodiversity and culture. At the same time, risks associated with tourism, such as the exploitation of natural resources, land grabbing and displacement, and dependency must be reduced. In particular, gender justice, respect for human rights and child protection have a major role to play.

BMZ’s COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism

Tourism and the coronavirus pandemic

Tourism before the coronavirus pandemic

For decades, the tourism industry was one of the fastest growing economic sectors worldwide. Before the coronavirus pandemic, tourism volumes were increasing steadily, reaching a record high in 2019, with 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals. This year, tourism was the third strongest economic sector, providing around 330 million jobs worldwide and with a 10.3 per cent share of global economic output. One in every ten jobs was therefore linked directly or indirectly to tourism.

Tourism during the coronavirus pandemic

However, the trend to growth in tourism was abruptly interrupted by the pandemic:

  • Approximately 62 million jobs were lost globally in 2020.
  • International tourist arrivals fell by 74% compared to the previous year (2019).
  • Tourism could only generate 5.3% of global economic output in 2020, a decrease of 50.4% compared to 2019.

Impact in developing countries and emerging economies

Lockdowns, travel restrictions and a reduction in offers from tour operators had dramatic consequences:

  • Wages went unpaid in the hospitality sector due to the lack of revenue streams.
  • Farms, transport companies and the retail trade lost their sales markets.
  • Conservation initiatives and cultural institutions were forced to abandon their activities.
  • Low-skilled workers, seasonal workers and women were particularly affected by the pandemic, because of their often informal employment relationships.
  • Entire families faced threats to their livelihoods as a result of often inadequate social security systems.
Overcoming the pandemic, strengthening tourism and nature protection

BMZ’s COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism

‘[…] the pandemic changed the situation [...] in many places: Tourists stayed away – and their absence brought a loss of revenue. In many cases, the majority of workers in the tourism sector are women, and they were often the first to be fired from their jobs. The result was that social inequalities were further intensified. Many workers turned their backs on the tourism sector altogether. Today, it is often not easy to find qualified workers and offer them the chance of decent jobs. Another crucial aspect is that loss of income in the tourism sector can also increase the pressure on ecosystems and accelerate the loss of biodiversity. This is because people who have no regular income are often forced to fall back on alternatives in order to survive. Poaching, and illegal fishing and logging are on the increase.


However, this crisis is also a unique opportunity to address existing problems and irregularities, and a chance to make tourism fit for the future now. We can and we must learn from the COVID crisis. [...]’


Svenja Schulze, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development

Crisis response, recovery and resilience

COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism – for Crisis Response, Recovery and Resilience is a comprehensive programme that was initiated in collaboration with international partner organisations to help more than 20 developing countries and emerging economies find their way through the COVID-19 crisis. The projects contribute to the preservation of local structures for tourism and to sustainable reconstruction.


BMZ | COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism


Partner organisations

BMZ works closely with national and international organisations to implement the projects created by the COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism. This approach exploits existing synergies to jointly develop sustainable solutions for current challenges in tourism and to implement appropriate measures locally.

Overview of project countries


  • Digital training for tourism industry employees
  • Gender equality and empowerment of women
  • Improving crisis resilience through risk-informed management
  • Improving child protection in tourism
  • Capacity development of small and medium-sized companies
  • Protecting biodiversity and maintaining cultural heritage
UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Tourism Industry’s Responsibility

Overcoming the pandemic, strengthening tourism and nature protection

WWF Logo

Healthy protected areas through community-based tourism

The aim of WWF’s measures in Mexico, Kenya and Namibia is to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic for nature reserves and the people who live there. The direct financial support enables gamekeepers to continue performing their tasks even without income from tourism. For the post-pandemic period, community-based tourism concepts are being made fit for the future. The idea is to use the crisis as an opportunity to promote sustainable tourism that provides both protection for nature and economic benefits for people – without further increasing interdependence.

Project profile

Project countries: Kenya, Namibia and Mexico

Target group: communities and employees in protected areas and tourism


  • Bridging income shortfalls through short-term jobs in nature reserves
  • Sustainable adaptation of tourism products for protected areas in close cooperation with the local population (community-based tourism)
  • Drawing up management plans in protected areas
  • Training courses

Insights into the project

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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sustainable development goal 17
Preserving protected and conserved areas with sustainable tourism

UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Tourism Industry’s Responsibility


Sustainable tourism and cultural heritage

The aim of the joint project between UNESCO and the Expedia Group is to make tourism involving UNESCO World Heritage Sites sustainable and give local people a share of the income generated.


Enterprises such as hotel chains and smaller family-run businesses can sign up to the UNESCO Sustainable Tourism Pledge, and in so doing commit to making their products and services as sustainable as possible.


In addition, the project offers paid employment – e.g. maintenance work at World Heritage sites – to people who have lost income due to the decline in visitor numbers. Digital training courses also enable skilled workers to enhance their know-how in areas such as leading cultural guided tours, entrepreneurship or social media marketing, and to improve their tourism products and services.

Project profile

Countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Georgia, Indonesia, Kenya, Namibia and Viet Nam

Target group: tourism companies, hotel chains and cultural mediators


  • Voluntary commitment of 10,000 companies to greater sustainability with the Sustainable Travel Pledge
  • In-depth training for businesses and tourism professionals on sustainability measures in the context of culture and tourism
  • Paid employment for tourism professionals, e.g. in the restoration and maintenance of cultural assets

Insights into the project

German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the Borobudur temple complex in Indonesia in June 2022. There he met two participants from the UNESCO project, who presented him with a hand-painted cloth with motifs of the Borobudur temple. The fabric was made by a local community supported by UNESCO.

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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Towards sustainable recovery of the tourism industry

Preserving protected and conserved areas with sustainable tourism

Preserving protected and conserved areas with sustainable tourism

By setting up pilot projects in conservation areas in Peru and Viet Nam, IUCN is seeking to help people through the pandemic with the aid of alternative sources of income, including the maintenance of hiking trails, clearance of plastic from beaches and removal of unwanted invasive plants. At the same time, the project should revitalise tourism in surrounding areas and make it more sustainable. The aim is to generate a form of tourism in which local residents themselves design the tourism products in protected areas, generate a decent income from them and contribute to their preservation.

Project profile

Countries: Peru and Viet Nam

Target group: local population, nature reserves


  • Bridging income shortfalls through cash-for-work programmes for local people (e.g. maintaining footpaths, removing invasive plants and clearing beaches of plastic)
  • Developing new nature-based tourism products, visitor management and health and safety measures
  • Exchange of experiences in Peru and Viet Nam and publication of best practices on One Health principles and sustainable conservation area management using the global Knowledge Platform

IUCN on their project

“Protected areas play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the planet and our health as a species, and are critically important in conserving biodiversity, ecosystem services and mitigating impacts of natural disasters and climate change. Through this project, IUCN provides a lifeline to local communities who are unable to finance their vital nature conservation operations after decades of reliance on ecotourism ventures to supplement meagre budgets. 


James Hardcastle, Associate Director, Global Protected Areas Programme, IUCN

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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Improving competencies for resilience

Towards sustainable recovery of the tourism industry

Enpact Logo

Securing livelihoods and promoting innovation

The Tourism Recovery Programme of enpact and the TUI Care Foundation aims to support young and innovative companies as they emerge from the crisis, as part of a six-month support programme. The programme should secure livelihoods and jobs, while making the respective business models more resilient and sustainable in the event of future crises.

Project profile

Countries: Egypt, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa and Tunisia

Target group: young, innovative tourism enterprises


  • Bridging income shortfalls with financial support
  • Building entrepreneurial resilience through three-month training courses and (applied) advanced training
  • Individual mentoring by tourism experts and networking with other entrepreneurs

Insights into the project

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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Child protection in the context of travel and tourism

Improving competencies for resilience


More competence for resilient destinations

In the first ten months of 2020, Asia-Pacific was the region worst affected by the global decline in tourism resulting from the pandemic. The 82 per cent drop in international tourist arrivals caused an existential threat to the entire travel and tourism sector in the region. To prevent any future recurrence, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) launched a project on tourism destination resilience. In a first step, definitions and standards for destination resilience were developed in collaboration with tourism experts. A series of online learning modules were developed for tourism professionals at the local level to make key local infrastructure both sustainable and disaster resilient. The learning modules are freely accessible on PATA’s CRC web platform (Crisis Resource Center).

Project profile

Countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet Nam

Target group: Destination management organisations and their stakeholders


  • Expansion of the Crisis Resource Center into a publicly accessible knowledge base, including resilience topics and an online library
  • Empowerment of destinations and businesses through training and online materials to emerge stronger from the crisis and to anticipate and deal with future crises

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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Female employees at the centre of recovery efforts

Child protection in the context of travel and tourism


For children’s rights and an end to all forms of sexual exploitation of children

ECPAT International works to ensure that children are protected and that their right to live free from violence becomes a key criterion for sustainable destinations. The focus of the project is to raise awareness of child protection among enterprises and stakeholders in the tourism sector, so that they recognise potential dangers, understand them in the context of tourism and are able to act preventively. These measures are indispensable to a sustainable reconstruction of the travel and tourism industry in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.

Project profile

Countries: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Côte d’Ivoire,

Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet Nam

Target group: Consumers, local authorities, governments and enterprises in the tourism sector


  • Analysis of existing mechanisms to protect children in project countries from sexual exploitation
  • Training courses on this issue for the private sector and individual destinations
  • Raising awareness among local populations and tourists of the impact of COVID-19 on child protection in tourism
  • Development of a risk analysis tool, enabling enterprises to assess the risk of sexual exploitation of children in the supply chain

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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Sustainable Destination Management Online Course

Female employees at the centre of recovery efforts


Female employees for sustainable recovery

UNWTO’s Centre Stage Project supports government institutions, non-governmental organisations and private enterprises in advancing gender equality. In collaboration with UN Women, measures are being implemented at policy and institutional levels to improve the legal framework for female employees and to promote opportunities for career advancement. At the business level, the aim is to raise awareness in companies about gender justice; encouraged by guidelines, companies should commit to protecting women and to work actively for fairer working conditions.

Project profile

Countries: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jordan and Mexico

Target group: national governments and local tourism sector, incl. NGOs


  • Advising governments on funding guidelines to strengthen the role of women in tourism
  • Establishing a network of gender representatives in partner organisations and partner enterprises
  • Training modules and support for enterprises to implement comprehensive gender guidelines
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the programme, including primary data collection on the impact of COVID-19 on women in tourism

Insights into the project

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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RESET: focus on small businesses

Sustainable Destination Management Online Course

Travel Foundation Logo

An online programme in sustainable destination management

It is not just the pandemic that threatens the future of tourism. The consequences of unregulated growth in visitor numbers also make destinations less attractive, for example because of the problems of sewage and waste. In the long run this leads to a decline in revenue streams. In many places, however, there is still a lack of knowledge and expertise for managing tourism demand in socially and environmentally sustainable ways.

To close this gap, an online course on sustainable destination management has been developed by the Travel Foundation in collaboration with Cornell University. The 40-hour programme is aimed at staff employed in tourism authorities and destination management, as well as tourism and hospitality professionals and students seeking future work in sustainable destination management.

Project profile

Countries: Worldwide/online

Target group: Decision-makers in state and local tourism authorities, destination management organisations and international organisations


  • Development of an online course of professional development for managers
  • Modules on topics such as:
    • the ‘invisible burden’ of tourism
    • management of environmental and social impacts
    • management of climate impacts
    • traffic planning
    • public-private partnerships
    • long-term planning of destination management

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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Destination Resilience – Quality Infrastructures for Resilient Tourism

RESET: focus on small businesses

ILO Logo

Strengthening and promoting small tourism enterprises

The RESET project (Resilient and Sustainable Enterprises in Tourism), an initiative of the International Labour Organization (ILO), supports small tourism enterprises by introducing risk-informed management processes and, in so doing, also protects employees from losses of jobs or income.

To this end, RESET addresses three areas: training and mentoring businesses to strengthen their capacities in risk-informed management; certification of enterprises that have increased their resilience; and public-private dialogues between the tourism industry and policy-makers, for example to raise awareness of business resilience among tourism authorities.

Project profile

Countries: Dominican Republic and South Africa

Target group: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


  • Empowering SMEs to make risk-informed decisions
  • Provision and application of integrated e-learning programmes and coaching on resilience
  • Support for SMEs in positioning their needs in dialogue formats with policy-makers

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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sustainable development goal 17
COVID-19 Measures of the Sector Dialogue

Destination Resilience – Quality Infrastructures for Resilient Tourism


For crisis-proof and resilient tourism destinations

In this project, the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) and the association Futouris are pooling their expertise in risk management, tourism and sustainability. The project will develop Resilience Guidelines to show how resilience assessments can be carried out successfully. As the challenges and risks are often similar in different tourist destinations, the project will gather approaches that work so that they can be used at other destinations. The project also involves tourism stakeholders in training measures and workshops, enabling them to implement resilience strategies successfully.

Project profile

Countries: Dominican Republic, Namibia and Sri Lanka

Target group: Tourist destinations and tourism stakeholders


  • Strengthening the resilience of selected destinations
  • Development and introduction of management systems for destinations and companies active there, to facilitate risk-informed decision-making
  • Processing of local knowledge in a partnership of equals, such that it can be applied in tackling global challenges

Futouris on their project

‘[...] The Samaná Peninsula in the Dominican Republic was the first region we looked at in detail in our project. Loss of beaches due to erosion was a problem frequently raised in meetings and interviews with stakeholders in the tourism businesses and local government representatives. Some hoteliers therefore implemented measures themselves, such as moving their pool areas or installing breakwaters. Since tourism in Samaná is focused on sun and beach and on active tourism (e.g. diving), this issue is particularly challenging. Extensive white sandy beaches are the main attraction in the region. A workshop is now planned in which possible collaborative steps for meeting this challenge will be addressed together. One objective is to increase risk awareness and the responsibility of local stakeholders and to develop shared concrete, effective options for action.’

Inga Meese, Managing Director of Futouris 

The 17 Goals

In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by the member states of the United Nations. With the 2030 Agenda, the global community has set itself 17 goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) for socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. The 17 goals apply universally and equally to all countries. They range from the eradication of global hunger to strengthening sustainable consumption and production to measures for climate protection.


Alternative Development

contributes to achievement of the following sustainable development goals:

sustainable development goal 01

Goal 01

Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. Its consequences are felt worldwide in our politically and economically closely interwoven world.

sustainable development goal 02

Goal 02

Eradicate hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. With the special initiative "ONE WORLD - NO HUNGER", the German development cooperation is contributing to achieving this goal.

sustainable development goal 03

Goal 03

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This is one of the most important tasks.

sustainable development goal 04

Goal 04

Ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. - Because education is a human right.

sustainable development goal 05

Goal 05

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Gender equality is a fundamental factor for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 06

Goal 06

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. - This is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development worldwide.

sustainable development goal 07

Goal 07

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Because without energy, development is not possible.

sustainable development goal 08

Goal 08

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment as well as decent work for all.

sustainable development goal 09

Goal 09

Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. After all, many rural regions in developing countries do not yet have adequate transport routes and means of transport.

sustainable development goal 10

Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries. Reducing these inequalities contributes to sustainable economic growth and strengthens the social cohesion of a society.

sustainable development goal 11

Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The BMZ supports a wide range of projects that sustainably improve the living conditions of the urban population.

sustainable development goal 12

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. The change to a sustainable economy and lifestyle will only succeed if we change our consumption habits and production techniques.

sustainable development goal 13

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Germany is a pioneer in the field of energy system transformation and would like to further strengthen this role worldwide in the interests of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 14

Goal 14

Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. - An essential factor of sustainable development.

sustainable development goal 15

Goal 15

Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

sustainable development goal 16

Goal 16

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

sustainable development goal 17

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Only with such a global partnership the goals of Agenda 2030 can be achieved.

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sustainable development goal 17
Risk-informed management for resilient tourism

COVID-19 Measures of the Sector Dialogue

Branchendialog Logo

Core themes of the activities

The Sector Dialogue on Tourism for Sustainable Development is a multi-stakeholder partnership. As part of the COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism, members cooperate with tourism enterprises in Colombia, Tunisia and the Dominican Republic to support them in developing sustainable business models. This means, for example, that enterprises are encouraged to reduce resource consumption, avoid food and plastic waste and promote the conservation of biodiversity. This commitment not only helps the businesses, it also has a positive impact on development in the region as a whole.

More information on the Sector Dialogue can be found in the corresponding chapter.

Dominican Republic

  • The Biodiversity Check Tourism (BCT) tool has been expanded with the development of new chapters on resilience and biosecurity and is now used in many hotels for the protection of biodiversity.
  • On the national Corporate Social Responsibility platform training courses about various sustainability issues for tourism companies have been launched.
  • Innovative measures for more resilient business models have been promoted by means of an ideas competition with the aim of supporting companies as they emerge from the crisis.

Biodiversity Check Tourismus (BCT)

The BCT is a practical tool for evaluating tourism enterprises in terms of the threats and opportunities they pose to biodiversity. After evaluating the company, an action plan is drawn up, with recommendations to introduce, for example, energy and water saving measures, or environmentally friendly cleaning methods.

Female Empowerment

The Eco Vivero La Sangria project is the initiative of a women’s collective. Their objective is to create a space in which to demonstrate sustainable management and biodiversity conservation for local and foreign tourists as well as for the community itself. 

The greenhouse, which uses solar energy, is situated on a street popular with tourists, not far from the well-known Playa Rincón in Las Galeras.

Local and international visitors can buy homemade products such as juices, smoothies and hand-crafted souvenirs, and learn about communal compost production, the recycling of plastics and the cultivation of endemic plants.


Green jobs in the circular economy

  • More than 100 small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in the Meta region have improved their sustainability performance after taking part in practical training courses, reciprocal knowledge transfer and activities geared to change projects.
  • 69 project and business ideas have been developed, including reforestation of hiking trails with a view to conserving local biodiversity and enhancing the tourism product.
  • Activities pursued together with local communities have included working on recycling projects and on strategies for marketing agritourism as an alternative to extensive farming.

Content of the training programme

Topics for the training courses were identified in advance by means of a needs assessment conducted among participating tourism enterprises. In addition to local courses provided by AHK Colombia, members of the Sector Dialogue supplemented the comprehensive training programme with presentations on their areas of expertise. A ‘training of trainers’ programme also ensures that course contents will continue to be taught in the years ahead.


Promotion of sustainable tourism:

  • Hotel managers and employees at owner-operated accommodation
    facilities are sensitised to the growing importance of a sustainable outlook and the associated competitiveness of their businesses.
  • With practice-oriented instructions and subsequently developed action plans, participants learn to minimise the consumption of scarce resources such as water and energy in their facilities, and to avoid unnecessary food waste in the kitchen and at the buffet.
  • Members of the Sector Dialogue are directly involved in implementing the measures as experts. Expert knowledge and teaching materials are used in the design of local training courses; in webinars organised by members, participants exchange ideas on issues such as food waste, plastic waste prevention, sustainability communication and human rights in tourism.

Impressions of one participant

‘My webinar exchanges with the German tourism industry gave me an opportunity to broaden my skills, acquire the knowledge I needed to develop in my role as a quality manager, and to make a success of our sustainability project.’


Aicha Laarif, Quality Manager at the Hôtel Sentido Bellevue Park, Sousse

Sector Dialogue on Tourism for Sustainable Development

Risk-informed management for resilient tourism

Resilience in tourism

The topics of resilience and risk-informed development have taken on new prominence as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In the wake of recurring crises and disasters such as pandemics, wars and the consequences of climate change, it is vitally important that businesses and destinations are well prepared and able to adapt. For this reason, instruments from disaster risk management are constantly being developed and adapted for tourism, and thus used to strengthen tourism in countries of the Global South.

How can we achieve greater resilience in tourism?

  • Address the vulnerabilities and long-term risks in the business sector.
  • Proactively strengthen the adaptability of enterprises.
  • Make risk-informed decisions based on disaster risk management (DRM) plans.
  • Destination-wide governance; define the role of business for resilient destinations.


You can find more details here:
BMZ’s COVID-19 Response Package for Tourism

Digital professional development

Sector Dialogue on Tourism for Sustainable Development

What is the Sector Dialogue on Tourism?

The Sector Dialogue on Tourism for Sustainable Development is an initiative of the German and European tourism industry.

Members of the Sector Dialogue are prominent actors from the private sector, civil society and academic community – for example, travel companies, tourism associations, foundations and universities.

The Sector Dialogue’s mission is to use the power of tourism to promote sustainable development in developing countries and emerging economies – thereby working towards the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

This partnership between development actors and the tourism industry is a cornerstone of BMZ’s strategy to harness tourism as an engine for sustainable development across the entire industry.


Further information can be found on the BMZ website as well as in the position paper and How we see our role.


What exactly does the Sector Dialogue do?

As the name suggests, we like to talk a lot. Because if we want to make things happen in the world, we have to reach agreement across the whole industry about a common approach and speak with a single voice. 

We’re not just a talking shop, though. Together with destination countries we devise scalable activities to promote sustainable development in selected holiday regions. We see ourselves as the voice of tourism for sustainable development, bringing the issue to the attention of policy-makers, raising public awareness and promoting discussion in Germany. We also forge alliances and links between the tourism industry, policy-makers, civil society and development cooperation. We do so to improve living conditions around the world, protect the environment and the climate, and build a strong tourism industry.

Members of the Sector Dialogue

  • Agency for Business and Economic Development (AWE)
  • Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry (BTW e.V.)
  • C.I.S.T. – Center for Innovation & Sustainability in Tourism
  • DER Touristik
  • German Travel Association (DRV)
  • ECPAT Deutschland e.V.
  • forum different travel e.V.
  • Futouris e.V.
  • Gebeco
  • Import Promotion Desk
  • Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism e.V.
  • Study Group for Tourism and Development e.V.
  • Studiosus Reisen München GmbH
  • Tourism Watch
  • TUI Care Foundation
  • TUI Group
  • University of Rostock
  • WWF Germany
  • ZENAT – Centre for Sustainable Tourism 
With tourism towards greater social justice

Digital professional development

Digital professional development

The tourism sector is shaped by informal employment relationships. This makes it difficult for specialists to find suitable further training or demonstrate their previous professional experience and knowledge. Digital training, independent of time and place, has proven to be an effective method of development cooperation, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. It has made finding a job in tourism easier, and in addition tourism companies benefit from a well-trained workforce.

atingi eAcademy Tourism and Hospitality

The eAcademy Tourism and Hospitality offers digital professional development and certification of skills and competences, in cooperation with the business community. BMZ’s digital learning platform,, offers a total of 45 digital courses and innovative certification options designed to help tourism professionals and managers re-enter the labour market post pandemic.

Get an overview of the wide variety of courses offered by atingi’s eAcademy Tourism and Hospitality.

Serious Game

Mama Atingi Shop is a serious game designed as an entertaining supplement to the courses provided by the eAcademy Tourism and Hospitality. A fictitious souvenir shop is used to teach basic retail management skills. The game is also the first pan-African serious game project.

Click here to download.

Using nature conservation to contribute to tourism

With tourism towards greater social justice

Consequences of the coronavirus pandemic

The impact of the pandemic is also particularly evident in the social sphere, with different population groups being affected in very different ways. Women, whose representation in the tourism industry is disproportionately high at 54%, face a particular struggle with job losses. This is because they are more often recruited into informal employment, such as seasonal or casual work.

A largely unnoticed and very serious problem in the context of tourist activities is the sexual exploitation of children. Travel restrictions have increasingly shifted criminal activity to the virtual world of the internet, lowering entry barriers for potential criminals.

How can tourism promote gender justice?

  • Tourism offers access to the labour market for women, even with little or no previous knowledge.

  • By improving the legal framework, tourism can offer benefits to many women, e.g. in terms of better pay or social security.
  • Given the particularly high number of micro-enterprises, tourism offers a wealth of opportunities for women to set up as entrepreneurs with business ideas of their own.

How can we guarantee child protection in the context of tourism?

  • Enterprises must integrate children’s rights into their corporate culture and management.

  • They must inform travellers about children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and reporting options.
  • Tourism companies must identify and address the risk of human rights violations along their supply chains.
Sustainable tourism and cultural heritage

Using nature conservation to contribute to tourism

Opportunities and risks

Tourism creates an effective interplay between nature conservation and development in regions that border protected areas. These areas are often a magnet for tourists, providing a secure income for the local population, which incentivises them to continue protecting the natural environment.

How can tourism contribute to biodiversity protection and economic stability?

  • By seeing the unspoiled natural environment as the basis for income from tourism.

  • By managing tourism locally in a way that allows people and the natural world to coexist.
  • By enabling local people to benefit from the income generated by tourism and thus increase their interest in nature protection.

Sustainable tourism and cultural heritage

Opportunities and risks

UNESCO World Heritage sites are often popular tourist destinations and a valuable source of income for people in the region.

If there are too many tourists, however, this places the sites and their surrounding area under great pressure.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for tourism offer a unique opportunity to make progress towards greater sustainability and resilience in the regions around World Heritage sites.

How can tourism contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage sites?

  • Local people benefit from the income generated by tourism, which gives them a considerable incentive to preserve the heritage site.
  • Local tourism is managed so as to ensure the heritage sites are preserved.
  • Local people and visitors are actively sensitised about the value of World Heritage sites.


This exhibition is a production of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Responsible: GIZ | Felix Ruf | Private Sector Cooperation  (SV ZmW) | Sustainable development through tourism  
EditorialGIZ | Lara Kogge | SV ZmW
Editorial assistance: Jana Schwalm | Vera Ude | Jasper Silbernagel
Design and implementation: SV ZmW

Picture/video credits (1/6)


Video: Pexels / Tom Fisk 


Tourism in development cooperation 

Photo 1: GIZ / Joe Kageni  

Photo 2: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey   

Photo 3: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey  


Tourism and the coronavirus pandemic 

Photo 1: Unsplash / Jérémy Stenuit 

Photo 2: AdobeStock / Fotokon 

Photo 3: GIZ / AD MA  

Photo 4: Pixabay / fernandozhiminaicela 


BMZ’s COVID-19 Response Measures for Tourism 

Photo 1: GIZ / Moise Niyonzima 

Photo 2: BPA / Steffen Kugler 

Photo 3: GIZ / Shadab Marzook  

Logos: from pictured partners

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 4: GIZ / Moise Niyonzima 

Picture/video credits (2/6)

Overcoming the pandemic, strengthening tourism and nature protection 

Photo 1: Alexis Rosenfeld / Divergence 

Photo 2​: WWF / Siphiwe Lutibezi 

Photo 3: WWF  

Video: WWF  


UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Tourism Industry’s Responsibility 

Photo 1: UNESCO  

Photo 2: Unsplash / Norbert Braun 

Photo 3: Pixabay / kupisliku 

Photo 4: UNESCO  


Preserving protected and conserved areas with sustainable tourism 

Photo 1: IUCN 

Photo 2: Pixabay / ThuyHaBich 

Photo 3: IUCN  

Photo 4: IUCN  


Towards sustainable recovery of the tourism industry 

Photo 1: enpact / Clement Waigwa 

Photo 2: GIZ / Daniel Adidwa  

Photo 3: enpact 

Video: enpact 

Picture/video credits (3/6)

Improving competencies for resilience 

Photo 1: GIZ / Kevin Hurley 

Photo 2: GIZ / Shadab Marzook 

Photo 3: GIZ / Shadab Marzook  

Video: PATA 


Child protection in the context of travel and tourism 

Photo 1: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey  

Photo 2: ECPAT  

Photo 3: ECPAT  

Video: ECPAT   


Female employees at the centre of recovery efforts 

Photo 1: UNWTO 

Photo 2: UNWTO/Centre Stage 

Photo 3: UNWTO/Centre Stage 

Video: UNWTO  


Sustainable Destination Management Online Course 

Photo 1: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey 

Photo 2: GIZ / Djulian  

Photo 3: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey   

Picture/video credits (4/6)

RESET: focus on small businesses 

Photo 1: Unsplash / Pedro Sanz 

Photo 2: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey  

Photo 3: GIZ / Elma Storm  

Video: ILO  


Destination Resilience – Quality Infrastructures for Resilient Tourism 

Photo 1: TUI Care Foundation / Christiane Flechtner 

Photo 2: DKKV 

Photo 3: Unsplash / JP Desvigne 

Photo 4: Futouris  


COVID-19 Measures of the Sector Dialogue 

Photo 1: Unsplash / Haythem Gataa  

Photo 2: GIZ / Djulian  

Photo 3: GIZ / BD 

Video 1: GIZ  

Photo 4: GIZ / BD  

Photo 5: GIZ / BD 

Video 2: Meta Sostenible 

Photo 6: GIZ / BD 

Photo 7: GIZ / BD 

Picture/video credits (5/6)

2. Thematic focus areas for sustainable development in tourism 

Risk-informed management for resilient tourism 

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 1: GIZ / Shadab Marzook 

Photo 2: Futouris / DKKV 

Photo 3: GIZ / Malick 


Sector Dialogue on Tourism for Sustainable Development 

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 1: GIZ / Joe Kageni  

Photo 2: GIZ / Fabrice Ndori Jean Pierre  

Photo 3: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey  


Digital professional development 

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 1: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey  

Graphic: GIZ / Atingi 

Video 1: GIZ / Atingi  

Video 2: GIZ / Atingi  

Picture/video credits (6/6)

With tourism towards greater social justice 

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 1: GIZ / Ilan Godfrey 

Photo 2: GIZ / Joe Kageni  

Video: ECPAT 


Using nature conservation to contribute to tourism 

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 1: GIZ / Jean Pierre Mazimpaka  

Photo 2: GIZ / Jean Pierre Mazimpaka   


Sustainable tourism and cultural heritage 

Graphic: GIZ / MediaCompany 

Photo 1: UNESCO / Kosal Mey 

Photo 2: Unsplash / Herry Sutanto